Thursday, January 6, 2011

Concept Map

I decided to do a concept map about Marine Biology. I wanted to do this concept map on something that I have interest for. So I thought for a while, and something, which I have wanted to do for my whole life, has been marine biology. So I decided to do my concept map on marine biology. I started of by pointing an arrow to fish. This is because marine biology is pretty much the study of fish, and then I also pointed an arrow to Aquarium, because, that is where fish are held. I then thought about where the actually experiments and discoveries happen in the marine biology world, and it happens in a laboratory. I also thought about this, because I work in a laboratory for marine biology. Then I started relating fish to “Finding Nemo”, the movie, and there are scenes that they are in a fish tank. So I related it to aquarium. Now, if you remember watching this movie, you should remember the cleaner shrimp in the fish tank. Do you remember what his name is? I do, he name is Jacque, now you may not know this, but he is named after the scientist, Jacque Crousteau. Jacque Crousteau is also the founder or SCUBA. This is why I linked him up to SCUBA, which is also linked into underwater. Underwater is there because everything about marine biology. I then thought, what else could be related to underwater. The first thing I thought about was submarines. Submarines like all other types of engineering need to be tested and designed. Where would these processes take place? A laboratory! So I then linked up laboratory and submarines. Another thing that I thought of is to be a marine biologist or to study marine biology in the future, you need a degree, yes? So, I then thought, how can I link degree to laboratory? Well, to earn your degree in a science, you have to do a certain amount of hours doing some field work, which means to log hours of laboratory work. Another topic, which comes out of laboratory, is France. The reason as to why this is there, is because the first ever marine biology laboratory to ever been created was in France. Concarneau, France, to be exact. Since we are talking about laboratories, I’ll talk about why I linked up laboratory and aquarium together, is because where are the fish being help inside a laboratory?The aquariums. 
Lastly, I connected Arisotle to marine biology, and you may know him for being one of the greatest philosophers alive, but he also is the founder of marine biology. Aristotle started discovering about the reproduction of fish. I also attached Poseidon to marine biology, because Poseidon is the god of the seas, so his connecting to the water aspect of marine biology. I then connected Aristotle and Poseidon by being in the same time period. Lastly, I attached species to marine biology, because as we all know there are different type of species throughout marine biology.  

1 comment:

  1. Joe, this must have been fun to work on! One thing though -- the name is Cousteau -- not Crousteau. I love the fish in the middle... and I think that it's great that your map extends from the scientific to popular culture (Nemo). It appears that you could have done an additional concept map on just Aquariums -- their history, construction, purpose, etc.
    In your rationale, you do a good job of telling me what steps you took, but I can get a lot of this from looking at your visual. What you need to do more of is connect what you are doing to the theory (so doing the reading on the theoretical basis for concept mapping would have given you material to include in your rationale), and discuss what's going on in your head when you are trying to grapple with the design problems. In other words, don't tell me what you did... tell me why you did it.
    Nice work.
