Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mind Mapping

I had to create a mind map about anything I wanted. The trouble was, I didn't know what I wanted to do this mind map on. So I had the greatest solution, I was going to make a mind map about what I wanted to make a mind map on. As you can see in the Mind map below, starting from the stop, I was thinking about doing a double major, however, I couldn’t decide whether to go into engineering or any other major relating to design. Again in the diagram, to the right of that, I was having some issues with my fish tank. I recently got a triggerfish, and he has eaten my shrimp, so I need to think of a way in which I can replace my shrimp with something my triggerfish won’t eat. The next topic is about where I was thinking about eating tonight. Following that, is ideas of stocks to invest in, and with nowadays money problems, what’s better to invest in than alternative energy? Then next topic is housing, and I am trying to figure out where I want to be housed next year, I definitely am going to split something with a couple of friends, however, its whether we decide on renting a house of campus of getting one of those 10 person apartments on campus, I personally think a house will be better, because we can get a pet, like a dog. Then next one was I have the problem that I don’t know what I want to do for the weekends over the winter intersession, I was thinking I could go to a hockey game, go see the Boston Bruins or the New England Patriots. Then next topic was about where to go for spring break, my friends and I were planning on going to an island, like Grand Cayman, or other places around that area, and then we also thought about Florida, but that was a last resort scenario. Finally, the last topic, and that was discussing what movie I wanted to watch tonight, I really only had 2 preferences, and that was Hacker or Bounty Hunter.


I then decided to create a mind map about ideas to improve my fish tank, because recently my clownfish also died and my fish tank has been empty for a while. So I started thinking about replacing my shrimp, or different types of coral. I then started thinking about starfish, and then what colors of starfish I could get. I also was thinking about getting a black light, which makes the fish tank look and feel a lot nicer. The last other option was looking at getting another triggerfish which is a different gender. As well as shrimp to clean, I was thinking about maybe getting some sort of algae cleaners. Lastly, I was thinking about getting a lionfish, which will look great in my fish tank because they are really aesthetically pleasing and interesting to watch. However I feel like to give my fish tank more life, coral would be the best thing to get.  

1 comment:

  1. Joe, Good start... fun idea to start with a mind map about mind map topics. However, you veered into concept map "grammar"... the words should go ON the lines ... not be connected by lines. That being said, you were on the right track and it's clear that the first map allowed the fish tank problem to emerge from the clutter of everyday stuff.
    Now, about the writing. You handled describing the process fine -- however, you really need cover a few key things. When you write a rationale or reflection of the creative process, you don’t have to get into the content. That should be evident to the viewer. You are writing to us… your fellow designers. You should be describing the design process in terms of the mechanics in a way. WHY did you use the colors, shapes, imagery that you did? In your case, why DIDN'T you use colors and imagery? What did you notice was going on in your brain when you were making the decisions? In particular, with regard to the process of creating the mind map, what function did the breaks serve? Did you notice that coming back to view the map after a break helped you see things a little differently? What was/were your AHA! moment(s).
    There are some spelling, grammar errors… you probably should go through and proof… and there are a few spots that would benefit from a couple of commas.
    Nice first effort.
